Monday, August 3, 2009

Dark Shines My Love - Alexis Hart

Review Quotes:

"A moving novel...the love scenes are marvelous. This is an enjoyable story that will make you laugh, cry, and be glad you read it." –Romantic Times Magazine

"A beautiful, moving story. Alexis Hart has the amazing ability to generate characters that literally step off the page in three-dimensional form. The dialogue is well developed and the entire story is a hauntingly accurate tale concerning a serious issue. I loved Patric from the first moment he appeared and Callie was as real as if I were standing next to her. Well done. Ms. Hart has written another winner." –Leslie Burbank, author of To Tame a Viking


Darkness surrounds Patric LeClerc. Blinded in a tragic accident years before, he does nothing but drive everyone away with his anger and resentment over the life he's been cursed with.

Everyone, that is, except Callie Carpenter. Desperate for a home and a job after the break-up of her dreadful marriage to a wealthy but abusive man, she tries to restore Dark Gardens Plantation to its former glory.

Patric lets his guard down and shows her that deep within, a spark of warmth and humanity still glows. Soon she finds herself more interested in him as a man than a patient. When her ex threatens to take away her son, Callie and Patric join forces to try to save the boy.

But can Patric's dark past ever allow him to see Callie's love for him, or will he drive her away as well, for having come too close to the true, if vulnerable, Patric LeClerc?


Karen L. Syed is the president and COO of Echelon Press, LLC. Every day is a new success story for her as she continues to grow herself and her business. She has seen eight of her own novels published (writing as Alexis Hart), along with numerous articles and short stories. As a former bookstore owner, she garnered a nomination from Publishers Weekly for their Bookseller of the Year award. She is committed to helping and encouraging everyone she comes in contact with to seek a healthier and more positive quality of life by reaching for their dreams.

You can learn more about Karen Syed at Life of a Publisher Blog

Echelon Press

Karen Syed is also the publisher of WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty and the 'tween time-travel series, Cynthia's Attic. Oh, and she likes purple hats.

Brought to you in part by: BUY: WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty , BUY: Wendel Wordsworth, BUY: Cynthia's Attic


  1. Welcome to BH, Alexis-Karen. Readers want to know...where did the purple hat come from??


  2. So glad you're visiting us here in Bookland Heights!

    I figure you wear the purple hat to keep us all from picking your brain too much. You've had a lot of experience in the industry...on many levels.

    Hope you'll share a bit of insight with us during your stay.


  3. Oh, man, it's ALL about the purple hat!
    Thanks for the reminder that publishers are people, too, and some of them are excellent authors as well.


  4. i know where she got that purple thing--hat(?) you call it--but I ain't tellin'. As a freelance reviewer with at least some street cred, I'm a little miffed I didn't get at least an offer to review DARK SHINES MY LOVE. But, Hell, I guess I gotta get used to being swept into the corner. Hey, did yu hear the one about this publisher who....

  5. Right on, Pam. Publishers are people (and authors!), too!

    C'mon, Carl. Give it up about the purple thingy and maybe you'll get a review offer!


  6. I think the purple hat is cool, too. Great info about your book.
