Tween series! Cynthia's Attic...
"Cynthia had an attic. Not just an ordinary attic. Cynthia's attic was magic.
Cynthia and I came into the world just three months apart. We grew up on the same quiet, sycamore-lined street, our friendship as close as our houses. Fifty years earlier, our grandmothers were best friends. However, we didn't realize the extent of their friendship until after our experience in Cynthia's attic. This is the story of one of our great adventures...the way I remember it."
Cynthia and I came into the world just three months apart. We grew up on the same quiet, sycamore-lined street, our friendship as close as our houses. Fifty years earlier, our grandmothers were best friends. However, we didn't realize the extent of their friendship until after our experience in Cynthia's attic. This is the story of one of our great adventures...the way I remember it."
Brought to you in part by WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty , Wendel Wordsworth, Cynthia's Attic
Every Reader Picture book! Wendel Wordsworth: No Words for Wendel
Wendel Wordsworth loves books. When he discovers their mysterious disappearance from all the bookshelves in town, he sets out to get to the bottom -- or top -- of the cause.
Single-handedly he solves the mystery and helps the “thief” accept responsibility for his selfish actions. In doing so, Wendel finds forgiveness in his heart and a new friend.
Brought to you in part by WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty , Wendel Wordsworth, Cynthia's Attic